Feliz Navidad to All!
I pray this blog finds you doing well. It's been a while since I've posted a blog, so I figured I better!
First, I've been home in Florida since September (read previous blog). What have I been doing, you might ask? A LOT OF STUFF is my answer!
First, I almost immediately took off to Peru. I was there almost two weeks meeting and networking with pastors, building a budget, visiting friends and speaking at churches. I had a great time. It was busy, yet very productive. It was nice to see so many ministries with big hearts - - and be apart of it for a little bit.
Second, shortly after my trip (like 6 days or something), my grandmother flew me up to North Carolina. From there, we drove to Ohio to suprise my cousin and watch one of his college football games. It was so nice to see what he's been up to and get some quality - Grandma-n-me time in.
After Ohio, my friend and next-door-neighbor from Guatemala came to visit. She was here 12 days. I love when people come to visit because it gives us Floridians a reason to do all the touristy stuff... ya know, take some time out and visit all the great locations we live so close to. We got to go to Disney World, the beach, a beautiful aquarium and many other places.
Somewhere in there, I began working part-time at Bath Body Works and searching for a full-time time in addition to the part-time one. Because of the economy here, finding a job is sooo much easier said then done. However, God is bigger then the economy! He provides. I was recently hired at the Christian Chamber to fill in while my friend is on maternity leave. I was told that there may be a position available upon her return. So, we'll see what happens.
Saying that, I want to encourage you. There's a lot of concerns I have/had with coming home from a two-year experience in another country... culture shock and re-entry to get used to. One of those things was a concern about where I work. I was so scared that I would find a job where my boss was awful and everyone I worked with would be mean or not even understand my passion for ministry. But God knows me - He provided a place to work where my boss is in love with Jesus, she's an encouraging lady who is passionate about ministry. My encouragement to you is this: God knows you. He knows your wants, your desires, your passions and He knows what you need. So trust in Him - He will make a way according to those things and according to His will.
So here's my plans for Missions:
I know that God has called me to missions. My heart is broken for people in foreign countries who don't have the resources available that we do, who don't have the solid teachings we do and who don't have support surrounding them.
Guatemala broke my heart! I loved being there, ministering to the young ladies and prostitutes. It's hard to let that go and move on, when I know there's still a huge need there. My heart also breaks for Peru. I have now been there three times - and each time I get to see the needs of the people. I feel caught in a crossroads and am not 100% sure where God is taking me. PLEASE PRAY FOR ME!! I need your prayers.
One thing God has revealed to me is this: It doesn't matter what country you go to, or what great ministry you're apart of - what matters is the One you're in relationship with, the One you're doing it for. So while God speaks to me, guides me and draws me closer to Him, please keep praying. I know ministry and missions is my future! I'm excited to see what God has in store for the future. And I'm excited for us to do it together!
Please note: Your financial gifts are given to me and put in a savings account for the future. Your finances will be used for the great work of Jesus Christ. I thank you for them.
I pray blessings over you and yours this Christmas season.
Sarah Anderson
Life Church Missionary to the Nations
Monday, December 22, 2008
Saturday, October 25, 2008
Leaving Guatemala
As you know, I've been working with four young ladies reading a purity book. To end this many-month activity, I organized and hosted a retreat for the young ladies. We stayed in another missionary's apartment and have several events. First, we started out with a scavenger hunt. I gave each team a list of things they needed to find, including purchasing a few meaningless things from the store. They even had to obtain signatures from the guys across the street working at the gas station. It was raining and they returned all muddy, but LOVED the activity!
We also had guest speakers all weekend long, meals taken care of, a fashion show to demonstrate appropriate clothing, a shopping spree for a new outfit and much more! Because of your financial gifts, these girls walked away very blessed! Together, we were able to purchase them embroidered towels with their names on it, brand new Bibles, gift baskets with beauty care products and this weekend away.
At the end of the retreat, the last speaker shared about "Waiting 'Till Marriage". At the end she asked if any of the girls wanted to commit to God to wait. The first girl to raise her hand was the last one I thought ever would! God is so good and works in mysterious way. If they decided to stay pure until their wedding night, they received rings and we prayed over them.
I don't know everything going on in the girl's lives, but I know God met them right where they're at and blessed them. Thank you!
THEN, the retreat ended and I took the girls home. Immediately following was my Goodbye Party with our missionary team and my closest friends from Guatemala. It was a bit intense, but a huge blessing!
We all gathered together at our Ministry Base, had dinner together and talked about the memories we all share of my last two years in Guatemala. It was really sad to be actually saying goodbye to everyone and my life in Guatemala, but I'm glad we got to do it this way.
The following day was Sunday and my last day at church. My pastor prayed over me and sent me out of the house and back to the States. Later that afternoon, a few friends picked me up and blind-folded me and took me somewhere. As they took off the blindfolds, I found out I was at my good friend's house and the youth group threw a surprise party for me! It was, again, great to be able to say goodbye in a more formal setting to all the young people I've been able to build relationship with over the last two years.
Then Monday came... I don't remember too much as it was all a blur of luggage in the air, bank lines and goodbyes to the people in my office. Before I knew it, I was at the airport. I actually arrived almost an hour late - which worked out perfect! I checked in, went through customs and security and pretty much walked onto my plane! Then, I woke up in Ft. Lauderdale, Florida, my destination. I was greeting by my parents and we drove home.
In a few words or a blog, I cannot even begin to sum up all the experiences I've walked away with in Guatemala. There's lessons I've learned, friendships I've made, ministry opportunities I've taken part of... the list goes on.
Thank you so much for being a part of my life during these past two years. I know that God has even bigger things in store for me, new land to spread the Gospel to. Please keep checking back to see what's going on!
In God's Hands,
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
My Month of June

Wow it's been a long time since I've been able to write. Randall & Jackie are currently back in the States traveling and visiting churches and friends. Which seems to mean: crazy life for me! The time they've been gone is two months and it's absolutely flown by. So here it is:
First, we have Explo Music Fest at a local church. Some of the bands stayed here at ou
r National Ministry Base - which was a really fun time, as we got to hang out with them. Basically, it was a three day music fest with popular Latin American bands. The concert was a lot of fun! However, my highlight was having them here. It was good to get to know others (mostly from the States). Having visitors is always a good time.
Then, the following weekend I was invited to the beach with some friends. The beach here is breath-taking, as it's all black sand that leads right to the beautiful and majestic Pacific Ocean. We hung
out there for about two days, soaking up sun, relaxing in hammocks, laying poolside, and enjoying the much-needed rest time. I, of course, came back sun-burnt, but I was happy. Atleast I could say it's because I spent the weekend next to (or in) a pool right off the black sand beach!
Meanwhile, we are nearing the end of the book I'm doing with the young ladies, Every Young Woman's Battle. To end it, we are having a retreat. So there's been a lot of effort in planning it. The girls are getting excited and so am I!
That's all for now. In a few days I'll write all about July!! Keep watching for more news.
God bless-
Monday, May 19, 2008
When Mom Visits...
I'm happy to report that my mom found a great deal with airfare and visited me for 4 days. We had a great time!
She hit the ground running on Thursday. This is the day I go to the feeding center and give a class on purity to the young ladies there. Mom (aka Linda) went with me, played with childen, participated in the class and took pictures. When some one is new there, they always ask how to say their name - 100 times! So, after repeating myself to every child individually, we've established her name is Linda (Lee-nda in Spanish).
Friday, she came and taught English with me in the morning. Mom finally got to see th
ese two students I have that are ever-so-adorable. With her there, it was like having three students!! She played the memory game with them, competed with them and even repeated some words in English... with a perfect English accent, might I add ;)
Then, off to El Oasis. This was one of my favorite times of her trip. We asked her to share a devotion with the women and it went perfectly! She talked to the ladies about how they're not prostitutes. They are
children of God, His heirs, His friend, and He sees them as that - not as prostitutes. Guess who translated?!?!?! ME!!!!! I've done a little translating before, but it's different when it's your family. (atleast for me).
A few weeks ago I found this restaurant called Inka Grill, Pervuian food. So, my mom took me there. It was absolutely delicious! One thing I really appreciated was the portions. I ate everything on my plate, and though I was full, I was not in pain! Everything there was great!! However, to my BIG disappointment - they did not have Inca-Cola... A Per
uvian soda the color of a yellow crayon (very yummy).
Saturday was a fun day. We hopped in the car and drove a little over an hour farther into the mountains to see some Mayan Ruins. I've never seen them before. The famous one's of Guatemala are the Tikal ruins in the northern region of Guatemala. It's really hot and humid there (yes, actually worse then Florida in Summer), which makes me loose my interest in visiting there.
Either way, we learned a little about them. Like, their age was somewhere between 300 a.d. - 1000 a.d. In this one city there were public buildings, religous buildings, sacficial gounds and
even the palace where the king lived! It was definately a high-light getting to see these things.
Sunday was the most sad day she was here. She was hardly here! We left for the airport at 10:00 a.m. as her flight was around noon. Check-in seemed to be a breeze so we went "upstairs" to the food court and got a drink before saying good-bye.
It was an absolute pleasure to have my mom here. It's nice to see a familiar face every-now-and-then, especially her pretty one!
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Leslie's Weekend
Saturday morning we went roller skating and out to eat at Pollo Campero - the Guatemalan's favorite chicken restaurant.
Leslie's had a tough life as her mom is working on a daily basis to change old habits, including bad mothering habits. My goal for the weekend was to make Leslie feel special. Very little attention is given to her at home, as it's mostly stolen by her young
er, two year old sister. So, Saturday afternoon before homework time, we did glamour shots! I bought her a new, girly shirt. We fixed her hair and put a little bit of make-up on her. Then, we went out side and took pictures! We're going to frame this picture to the right and give it to her mom for Mother's Day.
We met up with Carmen at the church as they returned from the retreat. Not only did God really work in Carmen's life over the weekend, I know God touched Leslie's life as well. The song we listened to a lot this weekend and a seem-to-be theme lately was "La niña de Tus ojos" which means "The apple of Your eye." I believe God used this weekend to remind Leslie that she truly is the Apple of God's eye.
We met up with Carmen at the church as they returned from the retreat. Not only did God really work in Carmen's life over the weekend, I know God touched Leslie's life as well. The song we listened to a lot this weekend and a seem-to-be theme lately was "La niña de Tus ojos" which means "The apple of Your eye." I believe God used this weekend to remind Leslie that she truly is the Apple of God's eye.
Monday, April 21, 2008
Ericka Accepts Jesus
I have great news!! A few weeks ago we received a call from "Celeste". She told us she was a prostitute and left that lifestyle and wanted to talk to us. We hadn't really met her before and didn't know who she was. (She is the lady on the far right in the picture).
Friday she met us at McDonald's to talk. She told us her story and that she left prostitution and wants a change her in life. Almost as soon as she started to talk, she was crying. God was really working in her heart. It was at this time she told her real name is Ericka - not Celeste.
We talked to her about God and asked if that was a decision she wanted to make. With full understanding, she said yes and we prayed with her. We invited her to church with us on Sunday and she came for the first time.
This weekend, we're sending her on a retreat with the Darby's church and we should begin her discipleship soon.
Please keep Ericka in your prayers. She's desperate for her new relationship with God and hungrily seeking Him! I pray that desire continues and the devil doesn't get in her way. Soon, she will need a new job, too.
Thank you! Your financial support enables us to send people like Ericka (plus another two ex-prostitutes) on this retreat. YOU are a part of this!
Monday, April 14, 2008
Blanca is eight years old and has a disease we can't figure out! The doctors have run test after test after test and cannot find out what she's got. She has some sort of bacterial infection, that when is active brings gang-green into the ends of her extremities. They taken of several toes and ends of fingers to attempt stopping it from growing in her body, as this disease eats away her skin.
Some blood work comes back clean. Sometimes they've taken cultures during active periods and some signs o
f e-coli show up. This infection has stumped all the Guatemalan doctors. Every time a test is taken, something different shows up!
Last week, we had a team of doctors in from Colorado. They went to see her, received with open arms from her local doctors. This disease also stumped our doctors. The pediatrician committed to take her records, blood samples and test results back to a group of specialists he works with, in hopes to find a diagnosis for her. He thought it might be some sort of leprosy, but is still unsure.
PLEASE PRAY! Blanca is a viberant nine year old girl with goals and dreams. She's been in the hospital receiving treatment for two years now with no prevail. We believe God is the God of healing. Whether He chooses to use these doctors or touches her body. We are standing behind her in prayer and I'm asking you stand with us. You can pray for her healing, wisdom for the doctors, her current health and her emotional well-being.
Thank you and I'll be sure to keep you informed as to her condition.
Mikaela's Trip
I went to this two year Bible school, Life Training Institute (LTI). 
The first year is basic ministry/leadership training and the second year you focus in on an area where you feel called by God. I focused on Missions. As a part of that requirement, you must spend two weeks with a missionary on the field. This helps you understand a little more of what life as a missionary is like, as it's nothing like a short-term team is!
Mikaela is a girl from my home
church, Life Church, in Florida. She is going through the same program as I am and had to spend two weeks with me! We did a whole host of fun things! First, she went with us three times to El Oasis (the ministry for prostitutes) and shared her testimony, sung, did a hang craft and gave a devotion.
She also went to the Children's Hospital, the feeding center (Jesus Loves You), Jenna & Caleb Darby's small group amongst many many other things. By the end of her time here, we were
And, one of the last things we did was climb Pacaya, the volcano. Unlike my first time, we took horses up the mountain (partly because it's fun and partly because it saves us the hike up). We also found moving lava and sat about 20 feet away from it for some time, watching it. That is an experience I cannot describe in words! It was beautiful and breath-taking!
Also, my pastors, Dr. D and Marilyn Deaton came with her. They didn't stay with us at my house, but stayed at our missions base a few blocks away. It's always great to see familiar faces and spend time with the people you love!
The first year is basic ministry/leadership training and the second year you focus in on an area where you feel called by God. I focused on Missions. As a part of that requirement, you must spend two weeks with a missionary on the field. This helps you understand a little more of what life as a missionary is like, as it's nothing like a short-term team is!
Mikaela is a girl from my home
She also went to the Children's Hospital, the feeding center (Jesus Loves You), Jenna & Caleb Darby's small group amongst many many other things. By the end of her time here, we were
And, one of the last things we did was climb Pacaya, the volcano. Unlike my first time, we took horses up the mountain (partly because it's fun and partly because it saves us the hike up). We also found moving lava and sat about 20 feet away from it for some time, watching it. That is an experience I cannot describe in words! It was beautiful and breath-taking!
Also, my pastors, Dr. D and Marilyn Deaton came with her. They didn't stay with us at my house, but stayed at our missions base a few blocks away. It's always great to see familiar faces and spend time with the people you love!
Monday, March 3, 2008
Intermissions Retreat
This past weekend was "Intermissions". This is an online group that networks all the missionaries in Guatemala together. We can post adds that we're selling something, in need of something, or anything we need to communicate to the missionary-community.
Every year, they host a conference where missionaries from all over Guatemala come, and so do several people from the States to help with activities, children, pampering the missionaries, etc. Over 350 missionaries came to recieve and about
So - our whole team of missionaries went. We had a great time as we had services IN ENGLISH. People also came to volunteer to give massages, foot-reflexes and manicures. They also came with full schedules for the children and youth departments. Many people came as speakers and counselors for work-shops held on Saturday, etc.
I shared my hotel room with Elizabeth, a teacher at a Christian bilingual school about five hours away from Guatemala City. She's also from some tiny town in Florida, about two hours away from Ft. Myers.
It was a relaxing time to get away and be refreshed in the Word, in my own language!
Monday, February 4, 2008
Climbing Volcano Pacaya
Well, I did it! First, what I did was climb an active volcano in Guatemala called Pacaya. It was great. If you know me well, you'd know that if I wasn't going to be a missionary, I'd be a volcanologist... I absolutely am enamored by volcanoes. So, living close to four of them has pretty much been a highlight for the last year and a half! 
This first picture if a of the view I saw in my car on the way to where we start our hike. From the right, it's Agua (water). The little point in between is called Acatenago (not sure what that means) and the sharp point on the far left is Fuego (fire). That one is extremely active and I'm told you can see red hot lava spurting from it almost all the time. (Fear not, I will not climb it!)
And, to the right is a great sign. It warns
you that from this point forward you'll be exposed to harmful gases and possible flying hot lava rocks, so basically: climb at your own risk. And, as you notice the picture below, it's so beautiful placed, tipped over right next to a river of lava... convenient :)
So, anyway, the climb for me was quite difficult. The first part feels straight up in a trail through the woods. This goes past several rest spots and look-out points, which are always accompanied by a restroom, made of a cement circle enclosed with sticks (they obviously just found outside) tied together with some rope!
However, the part after that is the reason for the climb... we came across this river of dry lava - where that sign is. And it turned into this amazing open "field" full of dried lava. We climbed for several hours, our goal being the crater. I managed to collect a few pieces of rock. (which later found out that is a no-no but they don't tell you, you just have to walk around read all these signs... which is right next to the sign that says "Don't climb to the crater because of all the hot lava and dangerously toxic gases", which remained unnoticed by us until AFTER the climb.
Regardless, we climbed to the crater. My friends made the last 15 minute hike look down into it - I did not due to a migraine and shortness of breath - probably from all those toxic gases?!?!
Anyway, it was WELL worth all the pain of the hike! Was it dangerous?? Probably. Was it an amazing experience I will never forget?? DEFINATELY! God is sooo good and His creation is amazing! The last picture is of Pacaya from a bit of a distance. The highest point is where I was (right where all that
toxic gas is coming out of the top. hehe). So, if you ever make it to Guatemala, I suggest taking the climb up Pacaya. I could see amazing views, breath fresh air (very uncommon if you live in the city) and really just get a small touch (so big that I can't really express it) of how incredably awesome our God truly is!
Thursday, January 24, 2008
Teacher Sarah
If you asked me a few years... maybe even months ago, if I'd ever be a teacher, I would tell you no! Children kind of scare me and standing infront of them teaching a new language is not my idea of exciting! However, as shared previously, I somehow obtained the job of teaching English in the elmentary school at my church.
I'm happy to report: so far so good! The first day the principal of the school, and a friend of mine, helped by teaching the class as I observed. Day two went even better. She will slowly give me the class, little by little. Which this idea very much calms my nerves!
First the kids wouldn't speak English to me - probably because they didn't know or trust me. However, it seems to get a little better every time I see the children!
PLEASE continue praying. I'm not naturally talented in 'teaching' so for me this is a way God can show up and show of His true glory through me!
Also, next weekend (February 2nd) I will be climbing a beautiful (yet active) volcano - Pacaya. I'm really excited as a secret passion of mine is volcanoes. However, some training must be done on these legs before I master the majestic Pacaya... wish me luck...
I'm happy to report: so far so good! The first day the principal of the school, and a friend of mine, helped by teaching the class as I observed. Day two went even better. She will slowly give me the class, little by little. Which this idea very much calms my nerves!
First the kids wouldn't speak English to me - probably because they didn't know or trust me. However, it seems to get a little better every time I see the children!
PLEASE continue praying. I'm not naturally talented in 'teaching' so for me this is a way God can show up and show of His true glory through me!
Also, next weekend (February 2nd) I will be climbing a beautiful (yet active) volcano - Pacaya. I'm really excited as a secret passion of mine is volcanoes. However, some training must be done on these legs before I master the majestic Pacaya... wish me luck...
Monday, January 14, 2008
... Since November...
First, right after Thanksgiving, we begun preparing for several Christmas Parties. The first was for "Jesus Loves You," the feeding program I help with once a week. As noted in my newsletter (If you're not subscribed to it, please email to be added), everything went quite well. The kids were blessed with new shoes, a new outfit and some toys. We had piñatas y food from their favorite fast food restaurant.
Second, we had the Christmas Party at El Oasis. That was a lot of fun. The picture attached is of me giving instruction on the games we played. For those of you who've attended many-a Life Church baby showers you would know the games well!
And, the day after the El Oasis Christmas Party, I came home for Christmas. I was absolutely blessed, mostly by a small group at Life Church. My special thanks goes out to South Fort Myers Life Group for allowing me to be home with family for the holidays. We happened to have company in town from Milwaukee, Wisconsin. They came one day after me.
And, as for Christmas, we did the tradition of getting up in the morning, opening stockings, presents, eating, playing, eating and playing some more!
Throughout the week I was home I went on an airboat in the Everglades for the first time (Yes, I claim to be a Florida resident & have never done this). It was great! We also got a boat and played out in the Gulf of Mexico for a day. That was sooo much fun - but rendered me useless the next 4 or 5 days, as my muscles were not used to doing so much (back to the gym for me, I guess)!
I left Florida with a tan, great memories and blessings! And as for January and the upcoming months - a lot is going on - so keep checking back to see pictures & hear stories!
God bless!
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