This past weekend was "Intermissions". This is an online group that networks all the missionaries in Guatemala together. We can post adds that we're selling something, in need of something, or anything we need to communicate to the missionary-community.
Every year, they host a conference where missionaries from all over Guatemala come, and so do several people from the States to help with activities, children, pampering the missionaries, etc. Over 350 missionaries came to recieve and about
So - our whole team of missionaries went. We had a great time as we had services IN ENGLISH. People also came to volunteer to give massages, foot-reflexes and manicures. They also came with full schedules for the children and youth departments. Many people came as speakers and counselors for work-shops held on Saturday, etc.
I shared my hotel room with Elizabeth, a teacher at a Christian bilingual school about five hours away from Guatemala City. She's also from some tiny town in Florida, about two hours away from Ft. Myers.
It was a relaxing time to get away and be refreshed in the Word, in my own language!
I love retreats. It is so nice to get to meet people face to face that you have built an internet or phone relationship with. I am sure you were a blessing to your roommate. Pastor Ryan shared something with us at staff chapel last week that he was getting from God that as we pour into God He pours into us, which is so awesome. Well, as you bless others you will eventually get blessed by God. I love you LIPS and I thank God for the work you are doing there in Guatemala. Sonrisa....
dude... is your hair short?!?
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