Well, I did it! First, what I did was climb an active volcano in Guatemala called Pacaya. It was great. If you know me well, you'd know that if I wasn't going to be a missionary, I'd be a volcanologist... I absolutely am enamored by volcanoes. So, living close to four of them has pretty much been a highlight for the last year and a half! 
This first picture if a of the view I saw in my car on the way to where we start our hike. From the right, it's Agua (water). The little point in between is called Acatenago (not sure what that means) and the sharp point on the far left is Fuego (fire). That one is extremely active and I'm told you can see red hot lava spurting from it almost all the time. (Fear not, I will not climb it!)
And, to the right is a great sign. It warns
you that from this point forward you'll be exposed to harmful gases and possible flying hot lava rocks, so basically: climb at your own risk. And, as you notice the picture below, it's so beautiful placed, tipped over right next to a river of lava... convenient :)
So, anyway, the climb for me was quite difficult. The first part feels straight up in a trail through the woods. This goes past several rest spots and look-out points, which are always accompanied by a restroom, made of a cement circle enclosed with sticks (they obviously just found outside) tied together with some rope!
However, the part after that is the reason for the climb... we came across this river of dry lava - where that sign is. And it turned into this amazing open "field" full of dried lava. We climbed for several hours, our goal being the crater. I managed to collect a few pieces of rock. (which later found out that is a no-no but they don't tell you, you just have to walk around read all these signs... which is right next to the sign that says "Don't climb to the crater because of all the hot lava and dangerously toxic gases", which remained unnoticed by us until AFTER the climb.
Regardless, we climbed to the crater. My friends made the last 15 minute hike look down into it - I did not due to a migraine and shortness of breath - probably from all those toxic gases?!?!
Anyway, it was WELL worth all the pain of the hike! Was it dangerous?? Probably. Was it an amazing experience I will never forget?? DEFINATELY! God is sooo good and His creation is amazing! The last picture is of Pacaya from a bit of a distance. The highest point is where I was (right where all that
toxic gas is coming out of the top. hehe). So, if you ever make it to Guatemala, I suggest taking the climb up Pacaya. I could see amazing views, breath fresh air (very uncommon if you live in the city) and really just get a small touch (so big that I can't really express it) of how incredably awesome our God truly is!
Sarah! Thats awesome!! I am so in the next time I'm down there! The pics are gorgeous! Miss you.
Lips.... I'm so proud of you. I never knew you were a volcano enthusist. Anyway, my hat is off to you. I would be sooooo afraid and I know the gases would do me in. I'm glad you got to climb so that people like me can enjoy it through your eyes. God truly is awesome and has created a lot of awesome and beautiful things. We love you lips. May the God of all creations continue to bless and keep you (even when you do things like climb gasous valcanos....)
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