Wow it's been a long time since I've been able to write. Randall & Jackie are currently back in the States traveling and visiting churches and friends. Which seems to mean: crazy life for me! The time they've been gone is two months and it's absolutely flown by. So here it is:
First, we have Explo Music Fest at a local church. Some of the bands stayed here at ou
r National Ministry Base - which was a really fun time, as we got to hang out with them. Basically, it was a three day music fest with popular Latin American bands. The concert was a lot of fun! However, my highlight was having them here. It was good to get to know others (mostly from the States). Having visitors is always a good time.
Then, the following weekend I was invited to the beach with some friends. The beach here is breath-taking, as it's all black sand that leads right to the beautiful and majestic Pacific Ocean. We hung
out there for about two days, soaking up sun, relaxing in hammocks, laying poolside, and enjoying the much-needed rest time. I, of course, came back sun-burnt, but I was happy. Atleast I could say it's because I spent the weekend next to (or in) a pool right off the black sand beach!
Meanwhile, we are nearing the end of the book I'm doing with the young ladies, Every Young Woman's Battle. To end it, we are having a retreat. So there's been a lot of effort in planning it. The girls are getting excited and so am I!
That's all for now. In a few days I'll write all about July!! Keep watching for more news.
God bless-
Hey, that is not fair, I should have been with you when you went to the beach!!! Glad you had a great time. I will be praying for the retreat and that the Lord will do a mighty work in their lives that they will never turn away from. It is exciting to see God use you even in these last 41 days!!! I can't wait to have my baby back soon!!!
I miss Monterrico!!
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