Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Sharing In Spanish

Hello! I want to share with you all the fun things you can do when you can speak to people in a different language! Now, I'm not professing to be ready to be a translator or anything even close.

As part of my language classes, we are required to share devotions & children's lessons in Spanish. So the following picture is of me - doing my best not to read off a piece of paper! I usually write it out in case I get too nervous. This is the second time sharing devotions in Spanish with the prostitutes at El Oasis!
And here I am with a little girl at a Children's Hospital. We go there on Friday's and play with the kids, do hand crafts, lessons in Spanish and usually bring puppets. We bring the same ones in fear of losing our heads - simply because they've fallen in love with the same 3! It's cute.
All the children we work with are the Rehab department; working on some sort of dabilitating disease that disables them from using certain parts of their body. This little girl cannot walk, talk, nor can she coordinate her hands. Her body is very weak, and tho she can keep her head up, every few minutes it gets weak and her head falls. I was helping her color after two other missionaries gave the Bible lesson with puppets.
Though I can't remember her name, she is a precious young girl who knows what she wants! She made me draw circles all over the page. If I had the wrong color or was about to color in the wrong spot, she was sure to let me know!
Praise God! Praise God for His goodness to allow us to learn Spanish and with our limited means be able to impart His love with these kids. Praise God for His grace, that when we fall short, He is there. I know I make mistakes when sharing, but I trust that the Holy Spirit is there, still speaking to those women and to those children. I love being a place where I have no other choice but to trust that God is doing His part, that He is sending His Spirit!


Anonymous said...

:) how precious!!! i believe that those women and children hear exactly what God wants them to hear from you!! Their hearts get the message that comes from your heart!!

miss you!!

Anonymous said...

It touches my heart to see what God is doing through you with these women and children. There is no doubt what God wants them to hear, they are! Your diligence will pay off and reaching souls for Christ will be your reward. Thank you for sharing with us!

Diane Scoggins

Anonymous said...

Hey Sarah,
Thanks again for the pictures and the updates. I love reading about what is going on in your life. How exciting to communicate God's love to those who would never have known, in a language that you would have never learned but through obediance to HIM! Keep going, see you in September!!!!

Sarah Crouch

Anonymous said...

Hi Sarah!! It is so exciting to see what God is doing and how he is using you to touch so many lives! You are so awesome, and I know God is going to continue to speak to the people of Guatemala through YOU! I am praying and thinking of you always and can't wait to see you! Thanks for sharing all that God is doing! Talk to you later, Love You!

Anonymous said...

It is great to see you putting into action what you are learning! WOW! You are making a difference! You are God's mouth piece...AWESOME!!!
We love you and continue to pray for you daily! Thanks for the updates...Love it!
Talk to you soon!
love you,