Monday, July 2, 2007



One thing God has been really speaking to me is about decisions. He gave us free will. And what we do with that is OUR DECISION. We can decide to live in the past regrets or decide to move forward. We can decide to hold grudges or decide to let it go.

I am reading a really good book called "When Your Past is Hurting Your Present". There's a quote on the chapter I just read. It is a native Indian at a campfire with his grandson. He was expressing these same things to his grandson. He said, "It's like we have two wolves inside us. One is good and the other is bad, and both are fighting for our obedience." When the boy asked, "Which one wins?" the wise olf chief replied, "Whichever one we feed."

I find this relevent because it's so easy to stay where we are with our mindsets, possibly wallowing in our unforgiveness or past, whatever it may be. So the question of the day: What wins? The past - is it going to hang on to us forever, weighing us down, slowing us from all God has in store for us? Or will the potential future win? Will we allow God to truly work in our lives and set us free from those hinderances to a future full of awesome potential?

Either way, we must decide to move on... it's on us what our future will be. Our past maybe wasn't ours to decide - but the future is your hands & in your decisions.

God Bless,



Anonymous said...

hey sarah. just wanted to tell you that this is an awesome post. you have some really great insight. i think i'll feed the good wolf!!

Anonymous said...


Funny thing is Pastor Ryan has been preaching about the God potential in each one of us for a few weeks now. Really good stuff. Even though you are not in the sanctuary every Sunday anymore God is still speaking to you what the house is hearing! Doesn't it feel great!

Alpagino said...

hello sarah tancredi. im glad everything is well there. im still including you in my prayers. thanx for your mail. its always a blessing to know whats going on there. i really like your post. i miss watching prishon break at your place with amanda and sidney. anyway. Take care. God Bless you and happy Thanksgiving day.
love always