Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Leslie's Weekend

We disciple Leslie's mom, Carmen on a weekly basis. She used to work as a prostitue that was coming to our devotions at El Oasis. Since she's been saved, she's gotten involved in a local church. We sent Carmen on a semi-annual woman's retreat. Leslie stayed with me for the weekend...

We had a great time! Friday night we went and got tacos at our favorite local spot and saw a movie.

Saturday morning we went roller skating and out to eat at Pollo Campero - the Guatemalan's favorite chicken restaurant.
Leslie's had a tough life as her mom is working on a daily basis to change old habits, including bad mothering habits. My goal for the weekend was to make Leslie feel special. Very little attention is given to her at home, as it's mostly stolen by her younger, two year old sister. So, Saturday afternoon before homework time, we did glamour shots! I bought her a new, girly shirt. We fixed her hair and put a little bit of make-up on her. Then, we went out side and took pictures! We're going to frame this picture to the right and give it to her mom for Mother's Day.

We met up with Carmen at the church as they returned from the retreat. Not only did God really work in Carmen's life over the weekend, I know God touched Leslie's life as well. The song we listened to a lot this weekend and a seem-to-be theme lately was "La niña de Tus ojos" which means "The apple of Your eye." I believe God used this weekend to remind Leslie that she truly is the Apple of God's eye.

Monday, April 21, 2008

Ericka Accepts Jesus

I have great news!! A few weeks ago we received a call from "Celeste". She told us she was a prostitute and left that lifestyle and wanted to talk to us. We hadn't really met her before and didn't know who she was. (She is the lady on the far right in the picture).

Friday she met us at McDonald's to talk. She told us her story and that she left prostitution and wants a change her in life. Almost as soon as she started to talk, she was crying. God was really working in her heart. It was at this time she told her real name is Ericka - not Celeste.

We talked to her about God and asked if that was a decision she wanted to make. With full understanding, she said yes and we prayed with her. We invited her to church with us on Sunday and she came for the first time.

This weekend, we're sending her on a retreat with the Darby's church and we should begin her discipleship soon.

Please keep Ericka in your prayers. She's desperate for her new relationship with God and hungrily seeking Him! I pray that desire continues and the devil doesn't get in her way. Soon, she will need a new job, too.

Thank you! Your financial support enables us to send people like Ericka (plus another two ex-prostitutes) on this retreat. YOU are a part of this!

Monday, April 14, 2008


Going to the hospital was a part of our language school requirements. Naturally, we got attached to some of the kids as they come and go. Since language school has been over, I have not returned very often. However, Patrick, another missionary here continues to go!

Blanca is eight years old and has a disease we can't figure out! The doctors have run test after test after test and cannot find out what she's got. She has some sort of bacterial infection, that when is active brings gang-green into the ends of her extremities. They taken of several toes and ends of fingers to attempt stopping it from growing in her body, as this disease eats away her skin.

Some blood work comes back clean. Sometimes they've taken cultures during active periods and some signs of e-coli show up. This infection has stumped all the Guatemalan doctors. Every time a test is taken, something different shows up!

Last week, we had a team of doctors in from Colorado. They went to see her, received with open arms from her local doctors. This disease also stumped our doctors. The pediatrician committed to take her records, blood samples and test results back to a group of specialists he works with, in hopes to find a diagnosis for her. He thought it might be some sort of leprosy, but is still unsure.

PLEASE PRAY! Blanca is a viberant nine year old girl with goals and dreams. She's been in the hospital receiving treatment for two years now with no prevail. We believe God is the God of healing. Whether He chooses to use these doctors or touches her body. We are standing behind her in prayer and I'm asking you stand with us. You can pray for her healing, wisdom for the doctors, her current health and her emotional well-being.

Thank you and I'll be sure to keep you informed as to her condition.

Mikaela's Trip

I went to this two year Bible school, Life Training Institute (LTI).

The first year is basic ministry/leadership training and the second year you focus in on an area where you feel called by God. I focused on Missions. As a part of that requirement, you must spend two weeks with a missionary on the field. This helps you understand a little more of what life as a missionary is like, as it's nothing like a short-term team is!

Mikaela is a girl from my home church, Life Church, in Florida. She is going through the same program as I am and had to spend two weeks with me! We did a whole host of fun things! First, she went with us three times to El Oasis (the ministry for prostitutes) and shared her testimony, sung, did a hang craft and gave a devotion.

She also went to the Children's Hospital, the feeding center (Jesus Loves You), Jenna & Caleb Darby's small group amongst many many other things. By the end of her time here, we were exhausted!

And, one of the last things we did was climb Pacaya, the volcano. Unlike my first time, we took horses up the mountain (partly because it's fun and partly because it saves us the hike up). We also found moving lava and sat about 20 feet away from it for some time, watching it. That is an experience I cannot describe in words! It was beautiful and breath-taking!

Also, my pastors, Dr. D and Marilyn Deaton came with her. They didn't stay with us at my house, but stayed at our missions base a few blocks away. It's always great to see familiar faces and spend time with the people you love!